You have 7 days after the completion of your order to request a refund, barring the exceptions below. If we approve your refund, your funds will be returned to you within 5-7 business days by our payment processor.  Specific refund policies are available below.

Mockups/Digital Proofs: Before producing any order, Free Style Promotions will send you a mockup of your order to ensure we produce exactly the item you want. Please note that the mockup is as accurate as we can make it, but minor differences in sizing and placement of decoration may occur on the final product. If there is an issue with your mockup, please respond as soon as possible with your changes. Please note that requesting multiple revisions of a mockup will delay the production of your order. We will not begin production until we have written or emailed approval of the provided mockups. Once a mockup has been approved, no further changes may be made, and you are responsible for any misspellings, typos, incorrect colors, incorrect logos, or other mistakes that were not fixed during the mockup process. We will not grant refunds for mistakes that were present in approved mockups.

Artwork, Vecrotization, and Digitization Fees: Fees for having your logo vectorized or digitized will only be refunded if you cancel your order before the vectorizing or digitizing has begun. Artwork creation fees will only be refunded if you cancel your order before the artwork creation process has begun. Once a design has been vectorized or digitized, or custom artwork has been created, they are not eligible for a refund even if you cancel your order.

Completed Products: Completed orders will only be fully or partially refunded in the event of significant deviations from the approved mockup, or in the case of significant damage or defects in the decoration caused by production errors. Products that are damaged after completion and delivery of your order will not be refunded. This includes damage to decorated products caused by dry cleaning, bleaching, or other cleaning methods.


Decorated Garments: Once a garment has been decorated, we will not accept returns for any reason.

Undecorated Samples: Undercoated samples for garments you decide not to have decorated may be returned within 15 days for a refund of your sample deposit, but only if the garments are intact and any tags remain attached to the garment. Damaged or unreturnable sample products will not be accepted or refunded for any reason.

Promotional Products: Promotional products (Mugs, lanyards, flags, tents, facemasks, etc.) are not eligible for returns or refunds.